Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Daily Prayer Of Alignment

Being in a state of continuous vibrational alignment with God is essential for living a blessed life. This is a very basic concept; yet if we do not conceive it in our hearts, we will continue to live each day thinking, talking and feeling anyway but Godly. If we wish to live out the promises of God in our lives we must think, talk and feel as though the promises are already ours. I wrote this prayer for my book "Biblical Laws Of Attraction - 90 Day Dream Quest", it helps to keep me in alignment with God (Love) and my dreams. Remember we only can manifest that which we are in vibrational alignment with.

By Carmen Abercrombie

Father God I love you and I trust you. I trust you during good times and challenging times. I trust you no matter how adverse and discouraging things may appear, they are only shadows. I know that I cannot have both the blessing and the curse, therefore I choose to live moment by moment in vibrational alignment with you and your precious promises. I choose to think like you think for I have the mind of Christ. I choose to walk in Divine Love, for you are Love. You created me to be more than a conqueror. Like a soldier I have no choice but to stand firm by raising the vibration of my thoughts, emotions, words, tonality and actions until I am in complete alignment with the dreams and desires I’m believing for. Father your word says in Isaiah 43:18-19 to ‘Remember not the former things, neither to consider the things of old. Behold, for you are doing a new thing: now it has sprung forth; shall I not know it? You will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert for me.’ Therefore I turn downstream with the anointed one and His anointing in me (“Christ in me my hope of Glory”) in complete surrender, with consummate faith that His perfection is being made manifest in the function of my mind and body and in all of my affairs.
In Jesus Name - Amen

With Love, Carmen


  1. Thank you, Carmen. You are keeping me going with your posts! I have felt moved to ask you to pray with me. I wonder if we could, even if it is over the phone. Could you email me your contact info again. I lost my old phone and it had all of my phone numbers in it. My email is cyndyava@att.net. Thanks so much for everything and passing on all of your wisdom.
    It is something I have been looking forward to, daily.

  2. This is such a beautiful post and I think the Good Lord wished for me to read it today.
    Thank you!
