Friday, September 18, 2009

All Things That Pertain To Life and Godliness

As supernatural beings we are able to live and operate above the natural. We have amazing spiritual resources that empower us. Here is a list just as a reminder of the great powers we as believers possess.

* We have the Word of God.
* We have the Holy Spirit.
* We have the name of Jesus.
* We have the blood of Jesus.
* We have faith.
* We have the anointing.
* We have the mind of Christ.
* We have legions of angels.
* We can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the ability to speak in other tongues.
* We have domination (over time, space and matter).
* We have The Fruit of The Spirit.
* We have the power of praise.
* We have grace of God.
* We have the favor of God.
* We have the peace of God.
* We have the joy of the Lord which is our strength.

With much love,


  1. Preach It, Sister!

    God created us in HIS IMAGE! Our only limits are only those that we put upon ourselves.

    There is POWER in the Blood of Jesus! Simple and Perfect as that!

    Love to you~ Rebecca

  2. That's right. God created us in his image. There is nothing we cannot do when he is 1st.


  3. I agree that we are the Divine and the Divine is us no matter what we name it...God, Jesus, Goddess, Allah. It's powerful and beautiful. :)
