Friday, September 25, 2009

Aunt Dot's Detox Tonic

Praise God I don't normally catch colds or flu's so I never considered anything like that when I began feeling out of sorts recently. I'd been out more this month than I had for quite some time. I attended a glorious wedding, stayed in a hotel out of town for a weekend, and visited family and friends. I've come a long way from the days of being sick and home bound. I know now that by His stripes I will forever be healed. I am a walking miracle. Anyway my husband reminded me that I'd been eating outside of my boundaries lately. I guess between that and the weather change I caught a little bug. Once I finally put two and two together I knew it was time for a Detox Tea Flush. So I began preparing my Aunt Dot's Detox Tonic. I'm happy to say I'm back to feeling good again.
This detox tonic is like the "lemonade diet" tea on steroids. It's great in the fall and winter, because it rids the body of mucus naturally. It also curbs the appetite, is very nourishing to the cells, and it tastes fabulicious! Enjoy 2 to 3 times per day to flush-out any bug or in place of meals during a weight loss detox. Simple and natural - life is good!

[Add the following to a large cup of pure hot water]
½ Fresh Squeezed Organic Lemon
Dash of Cayenne Pepper
½ Teaspoon Grated Ginger (optional)
1 to 2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar (Organic Unpasteurized)
Agave Nectar or Grade B Organic Maple Syrup (to taste)

To your health! Carmen


  1. Thanks Carmen! I love this. I make a little hot version sometimes for myself when I'm feeling sluggish. Miss you so much. I have so much to talk to you about...You've been on my mind. Josette and I went to a wonderful healing mass, so much to tell you. Peace and blessings. Email me at
    Or you can always call me at 347-409-4729...I'd love to hear from you.

  2. Thanks so much Cyndy. I thought for a minute that you had forgotten about me. I miss you and baby girl too. Thanks for reminding me to add hot water to my ingredients list.
    I'll call to arrange a get together at my new place.
    Much Love,
    Carmen XXOO

  3. This sounds fantastic! I'm going to try it, but since I'm off sugars now I'm going to try it with a bit of stevia.

    Thank you for sharing all of your great advice!

  4. I hope your advices are trustworthy! I want to get rid of those problems. Are you sure in your recipe? After writing a term paper I'll try it!
