Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's Good To Be Back!!

Please forgive me for being away for so long. I myself don't like it when social-networking friends whom I've connected with is no longer connecting. You know you miss "visiting" with them. You miss being inspired by them. You miss their journey. You find yourself asking...Where are they? Are they alright? Will they ever return?

The thing is, there are times when we just need to "cancel all appointments" if-you-will and get with God for some clear direction. There are also times when life can pull you away from some of the things that really feed your soul if you're not careful. For me it was a combination of both. I got with God and His direction put me on a fast track and I haven't stop running. However; it's all about being balance, which I must admit I have a challenge with. I'm asking God to strengthen me in that area. Do you have any advise?

The Lord is preparing so many amazing things for my business, my ministry and my life. I don't really don't know where to begin. So I'll just keep posting until I catch you up. I also have some great recipes coming at ya, so stay tuned.

Please leave me a comment below to say hi. I promise I won't be gone so long again.

Miss you, love you.



  1. So great to hear from you, Carmen. I've been missing you. We were never able to coordinate a time to meet. Oh, well. I completely understand the "retreat" phase. I often am so overwhelmed with different areas of life, that I just have to pull back and unplug from a while. This happens more than I would like or care to admit...However, I do understand and I am just happy you are back. I am excited to hear about your new endeavors. Miss and love you, too! Cyndy xo

  2. This touched me today.. for I too have been gone a while... I'd love to hear how you rekindled the God connection... my faith is so important yet too have visited some recent hurts and sometimes find myself wrestling with the Good Lord

  3. Dearest Cyndy and Kringle,
    It's funny that you are two of the people I miss the most. Both of you have been so warm and loving, thank you for your lovely comments.

    Cyndy there is nothing wrong with unpluging often if that's what it takes to stay in peace and keep it together. In fact it is a very wise thing to do. Call me so that we can arrange getting your fragrances to you. (347) 596-0154

    Kringle I must stop by your blog to catch up. I pray all is better for you and the ones you love.

    Love, Carmen

  4. I't s always so good to get back to the lovely places. I glad that you did it too

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