Sunday, August 2, 2009

True Superfoods Part V (Final)

Sea Vegetables – Sea vegetables, better known as seaweeds, are powerful gifts from nature. Some of the most popular include nori, hijiki, arame, kelp or kombu, dulse, and wakame. Abundant in minerals such as iodine, iron, trace elements and Vitamins B1, B2, B12, K. Traditional Asian Medicine has long valued the use of sea vegetables to treat a variety of illnesses. Each are a vegetable source of protein and are beneficial for a variety of functions including skeletal health, regular heart beat, blood pressure, nerve health, thyroid, and metabolism. Sea vegetables contain alginic acid, a powerful detoxifier that removes heavy metals and radioactive elements from the body.

Spirulina – An algae that grows in warm climates. Spirulina is a complete protein with anti-cancer and anti-viral properties. Fights against allergic reactions and is a natural histamine blocker. 62% of it contents are amino acids. Has as much iron as beef and is rich in minerals vitamin E.

Wheatgrass Juice – This superfood contains the entire range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients that your body requires. Whereas the more popular form of wheat consumed by millions is found in processed, lifeless, enzyme-less breads, bagels, donuts, pizza, cakes and cookies. Though we are habitually drawn to these foods they are totally void of health-giving properties and play a major role in the sickness of this country. Although doctors, dietitians, and scientists have known of the miraculous benefits of wheatgrass and chlorophyll for sometime, they for some reason have chosen to keep it to themselves. Drinking wheatgrass juice will strengthen the immune system to fight deadly microbes and cures radiation sickness. It works wonders for curing acne, eczema and psoriasis, and can even removes scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. Helps prevent tooth decay and can relieve toothaches when held in the mouth for 5 minutes. Wheatgrass enemas are great for healing and detoxifying the colon walls while healing and cleanse the internal organs. After an enema, wait 20 minutes, then implant 4 ounces of wheatgrass juice and retain for 20 minutes. Like all other sprouts and seeds, wheat berries were created by God as a way to release the life force and innate healing power hidden within us. It only takes minutes to digest wheatgrass juice and uses up very little body energy. When we release their energy into our body it regenerates into the strong, beautiful and healthy temples God originally created. It takes only 10 to 14 days to grow grass.

Isn't this stuff awesome? This is my offering of some of many lifesaving, healing, and rejuvenating super nutritious food available to us here and now. Be proactive, take advantage of this knowledge and join the ranks of the superbeings of this world.

Don't forget to leave a comment, or any question you may have for me here. To participant in my upcoming Weekly Give-Aways JOIN MY BLOG below right.

Live well,
Love Carmen


  1. Is there a place where I can "one stop shop" for all these ingredients--either brick and mortar or online shop?


  2. Yes, Taste Buds on Staten Island. Part of my cooking class is a trip there we I show my clients how to stop at a health food store.

    Thanks for stopping by the blog Dina.
