Wednesday, July 29, 2009

True Superfoods Pt I

As you may know I have been gone for awhile. Sometimes you just have to put blinders on and focus on that one thing that must be done. For me that one thing has been creating my new Wellness and Lifestyle Coaching Program. I've spent months doing much reseach, while following God's instructions for my ministry. I'm very excited to share with you this powerful post on True Superfoods, it is one of many to follow that will cover some of my amazing findings.

What you are about to read is information that will change your life forever. The government is not going to tell you the truth about superfoods, because if enough people began eating them the western medical arena would lose billions of dollars.

The human body engine thrives on fuel that supports its inherent ability to regenerate. You must eat an above average amount of organically grown, nutritionally dense food to build and repair your mind and body. The fastest way to get to health, and wellness is by eating a diet chockfull of superfoods. True superfoods are nature’s high-octane mind and body fuel. Many superfoods are ancient foods found in some of the most remote regions around the world. They have been treasured by the natives for their nutritional density and their life sustaining properties. True superfoods feed, nourish and heal the living body organism on a cellular level unlike any other foods or drugs, because of their high vibration. They carry information that God placed in them that alter our body chemistry, making us super-beings.

Americans have over taxed their body systems by eating far more food than they should. However, even with all of that eating, the reality is we as a nation are staving for nutrition. The problem is too much quantity and not enough quality. Raw organic superfoods have an abundance of all the vitamins, minerals, proteins, probiotic bacteria and enzymes our bodies need to heal, rebuild and soar.

True superfoods may appear to cost more initially but because they are so nutrient dense they allow you to eat mush less. In addition they are God’s natural alternative to costly vitamin and mineral supplements. A diet rich in superfoods is our best health insurance. We must flood our bodies with raw, organic superfoods to become the super-beings God created us to be. A super-being has a much easier time operating in the supernatural realm. They hear, see, touch and taste on a more intensified level. They remember more, do more, enjoy more and live more. Super-beings are healthy, sexy and strong. They glow with the light of divine love. Super-beings are happy, loving, giving and fearless. They use their God giving super powers to do what they were “called” to do and they do it for the good of all.

Please leave a comment or any question you may have for me. Oh yes, I'm going to begin weekly Give-Aways on this Blog and on Twitter so be sure to 'Follow'.

Blissful Blessings,
Love Carmen

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