Wednesday, July 29, 2009

True Superfoods Part III

Green Food Powder - Chlorophyll is what makes plants green, it is the basis of all plant life. The chlorophyll in plants is almost identical to the hemoglobin molecule in our blood. Chlorophyll is anti-bacterial and arrest growth and development of unfriendly bacteria. Green foods are good for rebuilding our blood. In fact, it may sound crazy but we can actually receive a blood transfusion from green plant based foods (now don't try this at home kids). Green foods are rich in calcium, iron, oxygen, magnesium and a variety of amino acids. Purchase a Green Food Powder that is organic. I will be adding mine to green smoothies everyday (as soon as my Montel Williams super juicing machine thing finally comes). has a 100% organic superfood powder that include Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley Grass Juice, Wheat Grass Juice, Icelandic Kelp & Nova Scotia Dulse, Probiotics, Enzymes and much more.

Quinoa – Found in Peru, quinoa was called the mother of all grains by the Incas. A complete protein. I eat it as a hot cereal, and as a rice and couscous replacement. Quinoa was one of three staple foods including corn and potatoes of the Inca civilization. Contains more calcium than milk and has 8 essential fatty acids. This high protein complex helps carbs breakdown slowly helping to keep blood sugar levels steady.

Hemp Protein Powder - A gluten free vegan protein highly digestible form for protein. The human body needs a constant supply to repair and build living tissue. It is a must for the production of hormones, blood hemoglobin, antibodies and new muscle tissue. In order to maintain existing cells one must replace lost protein. To gain new tissue you must consume more protein than what was lost. Adding 2 servings of protein powder to your diet daily improves digestive function, benefits the immune system, athletic performance, blood pressure, reduces liver damage and balances weight.

Blue/Green Algae – This sea vegetable that is higher in protein than any other food. It is 10 times higher than any animal product. Add to your green smoothies as well.

Flaxseeds – I love flaxseeds. They are very high in soluble fiber and healthy fats. Flaxseeds contain 25,00 mil of omega 3 fatty acids and 650 mil of omega 6 fatty acids. Flaxseeds are excellent for lowering cholesterol levels, as well as reducing high blood pressure and inflammation. Helps lower the risk of heart disease. The high amounts of vitamin E helps to keep the body lubricated. Whole flaxseed has a coating of fiber on the outside that is indigestible therefore soaking the seeds or grinding dry seeds in a coffee grinder or high-speed blender is required. Flaxseeds are low in calories and can be used as a nutritious, low fat replacement in baking. 3 Teaspoons of ground flaxseed will replace 1 tablespoon of butter or any fat in a recipe. 2 tablespoons of ground flax combined with 3 tablespoons of water will replace 1 egg. I like to just throw them into my raw and baked cookie dough for extra crunch and nutrition.

Goji Berry Juice* - This superfood is said to be quite possibly the most nutritionally dense food on earth. It has 10 times the antioxidants of blueberries. Drinking the juice daily is said to… help normalize blood pressure, support kidney & liver function, boost energy & stamina, alleviate anxiety & stress, prevent cancer, build healthy blood, muscles & bones, fight inflammation, improve memory & vision and strengthen the heart. Use the berries in homemade trail mixes and smoothies, but most importantly drink 2 to 4 ounces of juice daily. Though you will most likely notice a positive effect within days, it takes about six months of use it the juice to rebuild the body’s 10 trillion cells.Goji Gold Organic at is priced well and most importantly is organic. *Dried goji berries sold in health food stores are an awesome vitamin packed superfood that can be added to anything including homemade trail mixes.
[Much More To Come]

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Blissful Blessings,
Love Carmen

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